If you are exploring the Christian faith we’d love to help you. We try and be a Church where no one feels stupid because they are asking questions (good on you! “If you seek you’ll find”, says Jesus).
We regularly run Explorer Groups. Sometimes one called Alpha, sometimes one called Christianity Explored. We have swapped about partly because we have found that some people need to do two groups before they really get it! Christian faith does take some getting your head & your heart around. But it’s worth it!
We look to be a Church as well where people are growing in their faith. Our number one aim (see Aims & Values) is to make disciples and a disciple is a learner. Everyone you meet in Church is wearing L plates!
Particularly we encourage people to get involved in our discipling triplets. 3 people (sometimes four) meet to read some verses from the Bible and discuss them with some simple notes. They pray together in a way that works for them. They are a place to get encouraged & spurred on in your faith. It’s always about the stuff of life. Talk to David the Vicar about Explorer Groups or Triplets